Reykjavik Boulevard

Reykjavik Boulevard "Creative Guide for Curious People" - 162 pages

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Reykjavik Boulevard is the story of a journey, not its destination.

From 64°08'N and back, Reykjavik Boulevard met some of the greatest artistic talents from different countries and cultures, in a creative discovery of the world through their inspiring stories.

We linked them all by asking five questions about their first, last and future projects, their lifestyles, their dreams, artists or events that inspire their careers and the places where they live, work and create.

Some of them are famous, some of them are unknown. They might all cross your path someday. They have shared with us their emotions, their art and their passion for travel.

Reykjavik Boulevard is a 162-pages-trip where curiosity meets artistic sensibility, so be curious: meet them all in this unique format guide!

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